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You Are Welcome, to Come as You Are to Our Worship Service's. 

11:45 a.m. 




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New Member


This ministry is designed to serve as a preparatory vessel for Union Grace's new members and for guiding the new member into a ministry where they may develop a heart for service to the Lord. 


The new member is also taught.             


After each sermon is preached, an invitation is given for anyone to join our church family.  You will then receive instructions on when and how to prepare for baptism.  


When Are New Member Classes?

New Member’s Class is held every 2nd Saturday from 9:00am – 12noon

If I Were Christened As A Child, Do I Need To Be Baptized Again?

Yes, at Union Grace we follow Jesus’ example in Matthew 3:13-17 of total body immersion.

Do I Have To Pay Dues?

 We are a tithes and offering church, based on Malachi 3:8-12, “bring ye all the tithes into the store house and a tithe is one tenth of your increase. 

What If I Am Sick Or Hospitalized And Cannot Attend? Or Who Can I Call If I Have Additional Questions?

 Contact the church office at 248-809-2287
union grace Church

Administrative Offices:



15031 Dexter Avenue 

Detroit, MI 48238


Ph: 248-809-2287 

Fax:  248-809-2584


11:45 a.m. Worship Services:


Union Grace Church

30623 W. 12 Mile Rd

Farmington Hills, MI 48238




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